The one area I think they could get away with is changing the Island up more, keeping the best moments but being more open to redesigning aspects of it. The problem here is while I do think a good game can come out of a reimagined RE4, RE4 is such a classic that there's a very real possibility if they change it too much they could make it worse. Maybe they can add a few things, but try to retain it. Way 1: Bluepoint Shadow of the Colossus style remake, where they try to keep the original game intact but with modern graphics, some modern ease of use functions. This is just my opinion, but I feel there's only two ways they should remake Resident Evil 4: If they wanted to connect more to Remake2 (and 3 from what has been leaked/rumored), then this style could potentially be amazing. Nonetheless, "Hookman" has remained in the minds of Resident Evil fans as a "What could have been?", and there's even been a fan project to create a tech demo based on it's concept.
#Resident evil 3.5 demo series
The game we got was amazing, but it was a lot less connected to the Resident Evil Series then the original envisioning in my opinion. Resident Evil 4 would abandon alot of this, due to both how the tech at the time would never get close to being able to what they wanted to do, and the fact the horror formula was considered to be "growing stale" by Capcom. It was to involve Chris, Sherry, and Claire too. It would be about investigating the original Virus that Umbrella discovered, and alot of other obscure backstory. And the theme of the story was Leon slowly going crazy and beginning to hallucinate all this horrifying shit (some aspects of this were actually used in 7).

Long story short, Resident Evil 4 was far more horror focused.